

Astro is a content focused responsive theme for the WordPress platform. Available for purchase at


Programming Patterns

JavaScript Design Patterns: Introduction

Posted on March 3rd, 2014.

One of the most important aspects of writing maintainable code is being able to notice the recurring themes in that code and optimize them. This is an area where knowledge of design patterns can prove invaluable. In the first part of this book, we will explore the history and importance of design patterns which can really be applied to...


WordPress Theme

Astro WordPress Theme

Posted on February 26th, 2014.

Astro is a content focused responsive theme for the WordPress platform. Designed from the bottom up to be high performance, user friendly, and accessible on all devices. Astro adapts to the users viewport, so it looks great on smartphones, tablets, TVs, and even the latest 4K monitors. Astro includes two different post styles. The...


Frontend Development

Presentation In Structured Content

Posted on February 22nd, 2014.

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